When it comes to selecting a horse bridle, there are many options available for both beginning and seasoned horse owners. There are several different types of horse bridles that will accommodate the individual needs of the rider. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks depending on the specific situation and use, but the most common types of horse bridles are listed below. Western bridles are designed with a focus on functionality and durability, which makes them a good choice for experienced horse riders who rely on their equipment for daily use in competition or trail riding. For beginners, more specialized bridles may be more suitable as they have a sturdier frame that’s easier to clean and more adjustable than general purpose bridles. Regardless of the type of rider you are or the type of horse you ride, there is an ideal horse bridle for every situation and purpose.

How to choose a horse bridle

There are several factors to consider when purchasing a new horse bridle. Some of these include the type of rider, the type of discipline that the rider competes in and the size and strength of the horse.Horse bridles come in a variety of designs and styles that accommodate different types of riders and disciplines.Western bridles are designed with a focus on functionality and durability, making them a good choice for experienced horse riders who rely on their equipment for daily use in competition or trail riding. For beginners, more specialized bridles may be more suitable as they have a sturdier frame that’s easier to clean and more adjustable than general purpose bridles.

Western Snaffle Bit

A Western snag bridle is a light headcollar that is used to communicate with and control a horse. It is commonly used in Western riding competitions such as reining, cutting, and roping.The Western snag bridle is a head collar that is attached to the headstall by a chain. The head collar has a ring through which the chain is looped. The ring at the top is adjustable, allowing the rider to tighten or loosen the ring to fit the horse’s needs.The chain attached to the head collar can be long or short depending on the needs of the rider and the type of horse being ridden. A short chain can be used to train a young horse to accept a bit or an older horse that may have trouble accepting a bit. A long chain can be used for more experienced horses that are used in competition.The Western snag bridle is sometimes referred to as a “twang-style” bridle because of the metal ring that is used to put pressure on the horse's mouth.

Western Double Bridle

A Western double bridle is a type of bitless bridle that is used to communicate with and control a horse. It is commonly used in Western riding competitions such as reining, cutting, and roping.The Western double bridle is a bitless bridle that has two components: A headstall, which is the bitless bridle’s equivalent of a bridoon, and a crown piece, which is a band that fits around the headstall.The Western double bridle is designed to fit around a standard headstall, which allows it to be used with a horse’s headstall. Like other bitless bridles, the Western double bridle is usually used when the horse is ridden in a hackamore position and a rider is not using a bit. The Western double bridle also comes in a variety of designs to accommodate different types of riders.

Western Pelham Bit

A Western pelham bit is a type of mouth-controlled snaffle bit that is used to communicate with and control a horse. It is commonly used in Western riding competitions such as reining, cutting, and roping.The Western pelham bit is a mouth-controlled snaffle bit that is attached to a ring shank. The ring shank is attached to a headstall and allows the rider to control the bit by adjusting the ring attached to the headstall. The ring shank is usually adjustable so the rider can adjust the bit to fit the horse.The Western pelham bit is a mouth-controlled snaffle bit that is designed to be used with a horse that is ridden in a hackamore position and a rider is not using a bit. It is most commonly found in reining, cutting, and roping events.

Western Pelham Bit with Chain

A Western pelham bit with chain is a type of bit that uses a chain to connect the bit to the headstall. The chain allows the rider to adjust the bit without removing it from the horse’s mouth.The Western pelham bit with chain is a mouth-controlled snaffle bit that is attached to a chain. The chain allows the rider to adjust the bit without removing it from the horse’s mouth. The chain is usually adjustable and can be as long or short as the rider prefers.The Western pelham bit with chain is a mouth-controlled snaffle bit that is used in Western riding competitions such as reining, cutting, and roping. The chain allows the rider to adjust the bit without removing it from the horse’s mouth.


Horse bridles are used to control a horse’s head during riding. They come in a variety of designs and styles that accommodate different types of riders and disciplines. Horse bridles come in a variety of designs and styles that accommodate different types of riders and disciplines. Western bridles are designed with a focus on functionality and durability, which makes them a good choice for experienced horse riders who rely on their equipment for daily use in competition or trail riding. For beginners, more specialized bridles may be more suitable as they have a sturdier frame that’s easier to clean and more adjustable than general purpose bridles. Regardless of the type of rider you are or the type of horse you ride, there is an ideal horse bridle for every situation and purpose.