The term “bridle” refers to two distinct types of headgear for horses: a Western bridle and an English bridle. Both are designed to assist the rider in controlling the horse in different ways, but they look different and have different properties. Let’s take a closer look at these two types of horse bridles and what they can do for you and your horse during trail rides or other horseback riding activities in the wild!

What is a Western bridle?

The Western bridle is a type of headgear used to control a horse’s head, mouth, and ears. The Western bridle has a specific shape and type of fitting hardware that makes it easier for the rider to get the horse to perform certain tricks and actions. Unlike an English bridle, a Western bridle has a bitless bridle design that does not have a bit attached to it. A bit is a piece of hardware that can be attached to a bridle that controls the horse’s tongue and head and can help the rider guide the horse when riding.The bitless bridle also differs from the English bridle because it does not have a crown piece or browbands (the parts of the bridle that go around the horse’s face). The Western bridle instead has a browband that goes around the horse’s poll, or top of the head. The browband has several functions: It helps keep the rider’s arm out of the way; it also helps the rider see the horse’s ears, so they can see if the horse is relaxed or tense; and it keeps the bit in a more accessible place so the rider can change the bit if necessary.

What is an English bridle?

The English bridle is a type of headgear used to control a horse’s head, mouth, and ears. The English bridle has a bit attached to it and can have a variety of different bit types, such as a curb bit, roller bit, and pelham bit. The English bridle is often used to teach a horse to perform classic dressage, reining, and other equestrian disciplines. The bitless bridle design of the Western bridle is usually not used in the same way as the English bridle. The Western bridle has a browband instead of a bit and is usually designed for a rider who wants to use their hands to guide the horse and doesn’t need the bit for controlling their horse.Like the Western bridle, the English bridle does not have a crown piece or browbands; instead, the browband connects the bit to the bridle. The browband is important in an English bridle because it keeps the rider’s hands free to maintain contact with the horse and guide the horse. The browband is sometimes called a “paddling strap” because it allows the rider to stroke the horse’s neck or head without having to use the reins.

What is the difference between a Western and English bridle?

The difference between the Western and English bridle is the type of hardware each bridle has. The Western bridle has a bitless design and a browband that goes around the horse’s poll, or top of the head. The browband is important in an English bridle because it keeps the rider’s hands free to maintain contact with the horse and guide the horse. The browband is sometimes called a “paddling strap” because it allows the rider to stroke the horse’s neck or head without having to use the reins.The English bridle has a bit attached to it, which can be a bit with a variety of different types. The bit can be a curb bit, roller bit, or pelham bit. The bit is important in the English bridle because it controls the horse’s mouth and is used to teach the horse to perform dressage, reining, and other equestrian disciplines. The bit can be a single- or double-jointed bit.

How do you fit a Western bridle?

To fit a Western bridle, first you need to select the correct size and type of bit for the horse. The bit size will depend on the rider’s skill level and what type of riding they hope to do with the horse.There are a few different types of Western bridle hardware you can choose from: a single- or double-jointed snaffle, a roller or curb bit, and a pelham bit. A snaffle is a short, thin bit that is used when you want the horse to be very quiet and collected. A roller or curb bit is used when you want to encourage a horse to take off at a trot or canter. A pelham bit is used when you want a horse to stop, walk, and start again. You can also use a curb chain instead of a roller or curb bit.

How do you fit an English bridle?

To fit an English bridle, first you need to select the correct size and type of bit for the horse. The bit size will depend on the rider’s skill level and what type of riding they hope to do with the horse.There are a few different types of Western bridle hardware you can choose from: a single- or double-jointed snaffle, a roller or curb bit, and a pelham bit. A snaffle is a short, thin bit that is used when you want the horse to be very quiet and collected. A roller or curb bit is used when you want to encourage a horse to take off at a trot or canter. A pelham bit is used when you want a horse to stop, walk, and start again. You can also use a curb chain instead of a roller or curb bit.

A note about fitting hardware

When you fit a Western or English bridle, make sure to select a proper fitting hardware. A bit or a roller bit for a Western bridle, and a snaffle or curb bit for an English bridle. Fitting hardware makes it easier for the rider to control the horse by guiding the horse with their hands and using their legs less.A bit or roller bit can help the rider guide the horse more effectively and prevent the horse from being hyper-flexible (and hyper-aware of the rider’s movements), which is common in very young or inexperienced horses. A snaffle or curb bit provides more control than a roller or curb bit, but it can also be used on a less experienced horse.

Which type of bridle is right for you?

If you want to be able to control your horse with your hands and use a bitless bridle, the Western bridle is the right choice for you. If you want to be able to guide your horse with your legs and use a bit, the English bridle is the correct choice for you.The Western bridle is designed to be used with a bitless bridling